Volume III Number 9 – June 15, 2004
After spirited battles for RPT Chair, and National Committeeman and woman, the party has made its choices.
After spirited battles for RPT Chair, and National Committeeman and woman, the party has made its choices.
The Republican Party of Texas is at a crossroads. The social conservative takeover of the party took place almost six years ago. It’s time to take a look at what it has meant.
As we move heavily into the Republican Party of Texas pre-convention campaigning activities it seems allegations and statements are flying around.
The voters were heard in the primary run-offs. The key winners – Victor Carrillo Railroad Commissioner, for Congress Arlene Wohlgemuth. Mike McCaul (it’s ok to elect GOP lawyers), and Louis Gohmert.
With only a handful of key races on April 13, why is it so important to vote?
Primary day, on balance, was a good one for conservatives and TCR’s recommended candidates. TCR selections won or hit the run-off in 17 of 19 races with a few casualties.
Many pundits are projecting a relatively low turnout for the Texas GOP primary on March 9th but TCR believes that it is critical for conservatives to turnout and show our support for qualified, conservative candidates.
Since the recent faulty U.S. Supreme Court decision in the Texas sodomy case, Texas pro-family conservatives have been pondering the proper response to maintain the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman in America.
Part two of the battle for fair redistricting is over and a three judge federal panel approved the plan that can result in twenty-two Republican Congressmen from Texas, hopefully all solid conservatives.
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