Volume IX Number 11 – June 4, 2010
The Republican Party of Texas has had a new chair, Cathie Adams, this year. She came to the job from her role as National Committeewoman and prior to that as a longtime leader of Eagle Forum.
The Republican Party of Texas has had a new chair, Cathie Adams, this year. She came to the job from her role as National Committeewoman and prior to that as a longtime leader of Eagle Forum.
Rasmussen’s new poll in the Texas Governor’s race tells us the contest for Governor will be a challenge.
Another election cycle and TCR’s endorsement success rate is 86%, not bad. But now we need to unify for the tough November election.
Runoff’s from the primary are important and your vote is incredibly powerful because turnout traditionally is quite low.
The cycles of politics are moving much quicker these days and the Democrats seem to be interested in pushing them faster.
All hail Governor Rick Perry. A brilliant campaign that took account of the changing political climate last spring and got out ahead of the wave and rode it to victory.
Once our seat, let’s get it back with Francisco Canseco, an exciting young conservative who can help make a difference in D.C.
This is our fourth biannual Republican Primary Voter’s Guide. Each guide has gotten larger and is more broadly mailed.
If you had the opportunity to watch the “Belo” Republican Governor’s Debate, you know it was bad.
After careful consideration, TCR will support Jared Woodfill for Harris County Republican Party Chairman.
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