
Volume XI Number 21 – September 11, 2012

President Obama last week had his chance to make a case for four more years. Instead of telling us what he planned to do and how to accomplish it, he just talks — sounds familiar.

Volume XI Number 20 – August 23, 2012

This election year we Americans face many important challenges.

Volume XI Number 19 – August 14, 2012

With the pick of Paul Ryan to be his running mate, Mitt Romney has done the country a large favor.

Volume XI Number 18 – August 3, 2012

The longest primary season in Texas history is finally over – from January to July 31, 2012 we all dealt with hotly contested primary elections.

Volume XI Number 17 – July 20, 2012

Since Texas is a Republican state in statewide elections, turning out and voting is critical. With estimates as low as a turnout of 5% of registered voters, your vote means a lot in a runoff election.

Volume XI Number 16 – July 10, 2012

In the runoff for Railroad Commissioner, TCR backs Christi Craddick.

Volume XI Number 15 – June 29, 2012

For those conservatives who hoped that the Court would do the heavy lifting on finishing off Obamacare, that did not happen.

Volume XI Number 14 – June 21, 2012

Texas politics is never dull. Former Public Utilities Commissioner Barry Smitherman was appointed to the Commission last year by Governor Rick Perry.

Volume XI Number 13 – June 11, 2012

While the “official” unemployment rate is 8.2%, which in and of itself is not good.

Volume XI Number 12 – June 1, 2012

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